Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Left the house at four am tuesday morning with a good size load droped four off at stephenville, one off at grandbury, four at cresson two off at cleburn,then up to garland for a one drop up to lewisville for shane one drop down to north richland hills for diane's one at a time,lakeworth for a new customer,onedrop,up to springtown for promax onedrop,backto abilene speedway to pick up tha emptys from satnite,an back to the house . How that for fourteen hours and six hundred an fourtyfive miles, no wonder my new truck has sixty grand on it.
Today I will clean out the trailer,fix the fuel filter,I got some watery fuel yesterday an man was the truck smoking, so I put some fuel system cleaner in an a fresh load of fuel. It cleared up the smoking ,but the fuel light is showing water in the filter,so i will take it of and clean it.
Tomorrow I take my red rocket #2 to Dans frame machine, as I got hit in the heat race so hard that it bent the frame an them frame was rubbing on the tire, so my wife an I took the wheel of and put on a spacer. Went out in the feature, started in fifth place, no I didn't spin out in turn four so i knew it was going to be good,I passed cars that I did not thik I could. I finished second,man I love my little fords. Oh tommy was there an as a imca official he wanted my motor checked, duh, for those of you that don't know tommy an i don't see eye toeye, he was trying to stand back an let the tech. man do it but when i got my motror apart I called out, real load TOMMY come look at my motor. He looked but he does not know a ford so he said it looks good to me' not to let it go I said but the distribuitor is in the front? You should have seen his face get red. Ha
Gotta go the great outdoors is calling


Saturday, May 21, 2005


This is an update on my morning, after I signed off I went out to the shop an checked on the car ,which is in the trailer tied down ready to go, fed the cats ( I not have nine new babys), put some plant food on my garden picked some zucchini squash and it's still not time to go to the races(0739). Well gotta be quite my bride is still sleeping she had a louse nite at the old SS, so she worked all day for everyone else to make some money. Now tonite we go to the track to sell fuel so mabe we will have a good nite. gotta go the the great out doors is calling


Race Day

OK this is why I still drive a race car, I woke up at 0445 thinking about how I will drive my stock car tonite, as some of you know it is a underpowered ford thunderbird, so when I get myself spun out going into the fourth turn an have to go to the back of the pack to come back up thru the field of car I get a big rush just thinking about it. When some asks when will you quit well the answer is when I don't wake up excited about the race that nite, OK I checked the oil,water,tires,fuel,humm O ya the nut behind the wheel. see ya later

Bill 64 plus an still loving it

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Bill day #2

OK Kim I will keep trying. I went to town today to check on a friend that lost his mother last week ( he is about 45 years old ) An d I found him playing with a remote control car that ran on nito fuel so naturely I tried to sell him some nito that I have to sell. no sell it has to be mixed with other chemicals. Then I went to check up on malcom for a funny story, no problem, during his race saturday nite something hit his face sheald knocking it off so he drove with his hand over his face, peaking thru his fingers, he finished second. So for the feature he duck taped it on and finished second, he is now in the lead in points for the season. For those of you who do not know Malcom is another yankee who has lived here about as long as we have, but he is from vermont so i think he talks funny. Did you know that the big chain auto parts stores throw out slow moving items as well as not perfect ones I know as a friend gives these items to myself an other friends. a friend today got four cases of mobile one($4.99qt)

OK my two fingers are getting sore. later Bill

Friday, May 13, 2005

bills day

Well Jim said this would be relaxing but so far i got totaly pissed trying to get on here so this is it for now ,I will try again after I take a shower an chill out

bills day