Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Lets eat

I am now officialy skinny , I weigh 199!! .So now I have a new challange, how to stay there, an what to do with all this extra skin! If I turn around to fast my flab comes around later an hits me. And also trying to hold my pants up, lots of carpenter crack.
Well the race car is ready, I'm ready, all we need now is for satuday to get here an no rain!
I need to get on the road for the metroplex but am waiting for a load of fuel with three drums for this load, the problem is they are waiting on empty drums to fill for the load.
I read on the racing web site that David has his race car and trailer for sale!
Has anyone heard if wes has had his teeth done yet?
Thats all for now


At 12:07 PM, Blogger Angie said...

Way to go Dad! You've done great. I proud of you and Mom.

Good luck this weekend and I hope all the rains done by then.a

At 3:44 PM, Blogger Jim said...

199 huh, that's great. Gary and I have agreed to stay with it until we are both at 195, talk about your flab coming around to hit you, mine may kill me!

Good luck Saturday, think dry thoughts.


At 10:08 AM, Blogger Kim :) said...

Way to go Bill!! You are doing a fantastic job!! And I hear Barbara is doing well also!

I am slowly moving down.. slowly. But i'm not giving up! Slow and steady..

Good luck at the races!

At 12:30 PM, Blogger wes said...

Hope the first race is a great one. Congrats on the weight loss. I'm not trying to say you were anywhere near as big but your extra skin comment reminded me of Fat Bastard from Austin Powers. don't know if you've seen it but I had to say it. I have all my teeth still. Usually thats a good thing but this is one of those special cases. Should get them done on Thursday. We'll see what happens this week. Later


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