Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Need some action

I think that the bloggers are on strike or something. I thought that it was just me or my last blog offended some of you, but two of you came thru. I am still selling a little fuel, one of my customers is a( African american) no he not from niggerogra, well anyway he likes to burn any gas that is expensive so I sell him c-23, when i called him this week for a ordewr , he said give me a drum of c-23 , well I have it with more punch and we call it c-23+ ,so I told him that , thats what I want he said,I said ok you want c-23+ or plus plus, Oh ya I want that c-23plus plus Naturely I charge more for it so I will get him plus plus . when I was putting in my order to Mr VP I said what do you figure he is up to, he said it is probably like (Bling Bling )Huh? OK . On another note I sell a lot of Methanol to people making their own deisel fuel also I think I sell some to people making some other stuff maybe not for cars. it is time for me to get backm to workHa.


At 5:36 PM, Blogger Jim said...

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At 5:38 PM, Blogger Jim said...

In the middle of all of that was the world's longest sentence! Right on!!


At 7:51 AM, Blogger Kim :) said...

*laughing* You crack me up!!There are some people that have to have the better then best. Sounds like this guy is one of them. Crazy I say!!

Hope you have a wonderful Week! It is finally getting cold!!!

At 8:22 AM, Blogger Angie said...

Sorry Dad...I'll blog...sometime soon ;)


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