Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Left the house at four am tuesday morning with a good size load droped four off at stephenville, one off at grandbury, four at cresson two off at cleburn,then up to garland for a one drop up to lewisville for shane one drop down to north richland hills for diane's one at a time,lakeworth for a new customer,onedrop,up to springtown for promax onedrop,backto abilene speedway to pick up tha emptys from satnite,an back to the house . How that for fourteen hours and six hundred an fourtyfive miles, no wonder my new truck has sixty grand on it.
Today I will clean out the trailer,fix the fuel filter,I got some watery fuel yesterday an man was the truck smoking, so I put some fuel system cleaner in an a fresh load of fuel. It cleared up the smoking ,but the fuel light is showing water in the filter,so i will take it of and clean it.
Tomorrow I take my red rocket #2 to Dans frame machine, as I got hit in the heat race so hard that it bent the frame an them frame was rubbing on the tire, so my wife an I took the wheel of and put on a spacer. Went out in the feature, started in fifth place, no I didn't spin out in turn four so i knew it was going to be good,I passed cars that I did not thik I could. I finished second,man I love my little fords. Oh tommy was there an as a imca official he wanted my motor checked, duh, for those of you that don't know tommy an i don't see eye toeye, he was trying to stand back an let the tech. man do it but when i got my motror apart I called out, real load TOMMY come look at my motor. He looked but he does not know a ford so he said it looks good to me' not to let it go I said but the distribuitor is in the front? You should have seen his face get red. Ha
Gotta go the great outdoors is calling



At 11:32 AM, Blogger Angie said...

That's me Dad...rotten as ever! :) So you got Mom as your pit crew huh? Or is she your groupie ;)~

Love you Mom!!! Love you Dad!

At 3:21 PM, Blogger Jim said...

Why did you delete my comment?

At 4:01 PM, Blogger The Oldies said...

I didn't delete any comment except that first day when there were some from some french chick an the werebig time porn. When did you put on the comments?


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