Sunday, June 05, 2005

Life as grandpa racecar

Well we went to see the big foot prints and enjoy my grandkids which was fun as always. Well lets see, my grandson thought that he could take off on his bike whenever the mood struck him, wrong, grounded! OK got that worked out , no you can not play with the campfire( confused look)! got that worked out. Lets go swimming, grandma said its too deep over there come over here,ya right. how deep is it I don't know well go down an see, OK, wow it's deep. Boy grandma is smart, no nobody said that.
Well grandpa an grandma went for a walk with cheryl, look down at the river an cheryl (the blind one) says HOLY SHIT LOOK AT THAT SNAKE!!. ya right cheryl i look an said thats a fish, no dad over there,HOLY SHIT LOOK AT THAT SNAKE!! So back to the camp we go with our snake story. I am shur by now the snake has grown a few more feet, the last i heard it was as big as aunt cheryl only bigger. Oh ya when all the kid were walking down by the footprints there were about twenty or more people doing the same thing across the river where my cherbs were when one of my kids says SNAKE!! yup they all beat feet.

OK racing, got second in the heat race, kept trying to get the lead but it was not firing on all cylnders coming out of the turn, got that fixed went out in the feature started fourth row inside( yes fourth row billy) passed a few cars going to the front when it started braking down bad, ended up eighth, took it apart this morning found trash in the carburator, humm bad gas?? We won't go there!
Thats about it for now the great out doors is calling me.

Foot note: my chicky babe is a great help at the track, an. also a lot of fun to have with me, I am a lucky guy to have her


At 11:55 AM, Blogger Angie said...

The kids had a wonderful time. Thy both told me "yeah, we had a GREAT time and we didn't even need to watch TV once!" Huh! How on earth can that happen??

My kid grounded?!?! Just cannot believe that! And a child of mine exaggerating a story? I'm wondering if Matt conviced everyone that it was a snake (including Aunt Cheryl)...hummm.... she's bought his stories before ya know!!

Love you bunches..gotta go sleepy little one makes it hard to type :)


At 1:56 PM, Blogger Jim said...

Oh yes, the flying soup story. No creativity there, is there?

Hey speaking of bad gas, I had some split pea soup once, about a month ago, two bowls in fact...........................



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