Friday, December 02, 2005

One eyed monster

Lets see if I can explaine this correctly. I was working in my shop, minding my own business, when i felt something checking me out. I looked around an there was this four tired, one eyed monster looking at me ,an it was telling me to watch out cause I was to old to mess with it. Ha ain't no gas gusseling four tired one eyed monster gunna scare me!!
So I walks over to it ,looked it over and got on , there it didn't throw me, I turned on the swich, pushed the starter, It roared at me so I tighted my grip on the handle bars and said give me your best shot. Woops should not have said that I think I made it mad. As we left the shop I gave it just a little gas ,Oh shit ,hang on old man, sum bitch, this dam thing is trying to throw me off, so I hung on for dear life as we flew down the road looking for a place to turn around. When I got the damn thing back to the shop I pushed it back into the corner where I found it , turned my back to it and walked away. Now when I hear a noise in back of me in the shop,I will say ya, ya , ya, bite me,woops it already tried that.


At 5:36 AM, Blogger Jim said...

Don't you hurt my baby!!! And it has 2 eyes. Scary, yes, but I bet it was a little fun, anything with that much go-go in it is fun. Bye the way, ride it a few more times and the scary goes away.

At 7:44 AM, Blogger Kim :) said...

*laughing* I loved your story today! Glad you made it back to the shop safe and sound.. But really my money is on you, I think you could have taken it!!

At 3:08 PM, Blogger Angie said...

Can't say that that thing's ever called out to me. I guess it knows I'm scared of it :) Enjoy it all you want!!


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