Monday, August 21, 2006

Its about time

Well i guess its about time to get back on here. As some of you know I had a buttectame today and it was fun,just two little pollups, no cancer, no prostrat problems ,no hemroids, just a sore butt,. no not really,it is not painful just embarresing.Mom went with me to drive me home as they will not let you leave if you do not have someone to drive, ya right I have driven with more booze in me than the drugs that I had today, so poor mom had to ride in her seat hanging on as always. The racing has not been what I would call great this year as the best finish that I have had is fourth,but I am in second place in the points, with one race night to go I will have to work hard to hang onto that . The fuel business is going very well as I have started to turn a few pain in the ass people away. I wrecked my big trailer with a big load in it,the ins. co totaled it ,so I bought it back am using it just for the race car,bought a goose neck trailer with the ins. check,so now I look like stue pot with five trailers in my yard. Hope yall can read this as I am not quit up to snuff as I didn't eat from last friday till this afternoon. see ya later


At 5:27 AM, Blogger Angie said...

Great to hear from ya Dad! Glad you are feeling better and hope you gobble down something soon.

And 2nd place isn't anything to turn your nose up at :)

Love you!


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