Friday, April 21, 2006

Nick name

we all have nicknames,Mine have been breezy, Ski , bill, will, polack, dumb polack,and now for the new one hey skinny!
Who would have thought, I am now down to 192.5,an my pants are all falling off my no butt.I think this is why my racing this year sucks, cause I do not have enought weight in the car. I feel very good that the love of my life and I are losing all this uneeded mass until i look at my self in the mirror, man you are ugly.
I can not think of much to type as I let for DFW this morning at three fifteen ,will try to get back on here soon.


At 6:40 PM, Blogger Angie said...

Hey Skinny :) Eat yourself a T-bone and a pizza before Sat's race!

Get you so rest so you'll be energized for tomorrow.

Love you!


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