Wednesday, October 04, 2006

life in the day of an ol fart!

Yesterday I got up at 12:30, went to Amarrilo deleivered a load of fuel got back at 9:00 took a little nap loaded up trailer #2 (long story about#1) deleivered fuel all over Abilene, lost a tarp over by Kims house took four u turns but got back on the road, got home after 7:00, watched a little TV went to bed. Got up this morning all refreshed,loaded the trailer for a trip to DFW tomorrow, now what?I,m bored ,so I look for some thing to do .I know lets dive into the pool to clean the bottom,WOW that didn't take very long ,well at least my old guy things look young again. Guess I.ll just sit on tha car port d, drink a beer and wait for my honey to come home from the beauty shop, hope I don,t forget to tell her how beautiful she looks, I guess that depends how many beers I have .OK I,m getting goofy . see ya


At 2:23 PM, Blogger Kim :) said...

You are cracking me up!

At 2:28 PM, Blogger Angie said...

Bet that dive was refreshing. Guess if you ever need a quick "wake me up" that would do it :)

At 6:06 PM, Blogger The Oldies said...

Hey just think of the storys you all can tell your grangchildren when they say, what was your father like?

At 9:09 PM, Blogger Jim said...

OH SHIT..................

At 6:42 PM, Blogger The Oldies said...

Did I ever tell you all about my butt probeing experience?


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