Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Lets eat

I am now officialy skinny , I weigh 199!! .So now I have a new challange, how to stay there, an what to do with all this extra skin! If I turn around to fast my flab comes around later an hits me. And also trying to hold my pants up, lots of carpenter crack.
Well the race car is ready, I'm ready, all we need now is for satuday to get here an no rain!
I need to get on the road for the metroplex but am waiting for a load of fuel with three drums for this load, the problem is they are waiting on empty drums to fill for the load.
I read on the racing web site that David has his race car and trailer for sale!
Has anyone heard if wes has had his teeth done yet?
Thats all for now

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Brzezinski News

Brzezinski News

Thursday, March 23, 2006

aw shit

Well I did it, went to Malcoms shop to pick up my race car , had my old trailer at Barnies shop ,the one with the bad hitch that you must check twice an I didn't, as I was loading the car the trailer came off the hitch, aw shit, yup right i nto the back of my brand new truck. Calle a wrecking yard for a used tailgate aw shit $650. So I guess the insurance co will get a call in the morn.

Monday, March 20, 2006


Well I just got back from the dentist, and I should go weigh myself as I left some of my parts there. My grandkids will realy like it now!
Moving along, Malcom is putting the motor back together for my race car,and we start racing in two weeks.
Lucky did his weigh in this morning and he is at ten an one half lbs. he is trying to make friends with pee and cindy but they show him their teeth, or in pee,s case gums.also the little cat( tesser), same thing no way, the cat was suppose to be Tess but after a closer look he is a tesser.
A drug possession defendanton trial ,said he had been searched without a warrent. The prosecutor said the officer didn't need a warrent because of a bulge in the defendant's coat could have been a gun. Nonsence, said the defendant, who happened to be wearing the same coat that day in court. He handed it over to the judge to see it. The judge discovered a packet of cocaine in the pocket and laughed so hard he required as five minute recess to compose himself