Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Need some action

I think that the bloggers are on strike or something. I thought that it was just me or my last blog offended some of you, but two of you came thru. I am still selling a little fuel, one of my customers is a( African american) no he not from niggerogra, well anyway he likes to burn any gas that is expensive so I sell him c-23, when i called him this week for a ordewr , he said give me a drum of c-23 , well I have it with more punch and we call it c-23+ ,so I told him that , thats what I want he said,I said ok you want c-23+ or plus plus, Oh ya I want that c-23plus plus Naturely I charge more for it so I will get him plus plus . when I was putting in my order to Mr VP I said what do you figure he is up to, he said it is probably like (Bling Bling )Huh? OK . On another note I sell a lot of Methanol to people making their own deisel fuel also I think I sell some to people making some other stuff maybe not for cars. it is time for me to get backm to workHa.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Think before you speak!

Here are some reasons why you should think before you speak.

The lady walked into hair salon with her husband and three kids in tow and said loudly, how much for a shampoo and blow job? With out saying a word she turned around and left ,her husband very wisely said nothing.

The lady was at the golf store comparing different kinds of golf balls.I was unhappy with the woman's type I had been using.After browsing for several minutes,I was approached by one of the good-looking gentlemen who worked at the store. He asked if he could help me , without thinking, I looked at him and said " I think I would like playing with men's balls"

A ladyand her sister were at the mall and passed by a store that sold a variety of candy and nuts. As they were looking at the display case ,the boy behind the counter aske if we needed any help, she said " no I am just looking at your nuts"

This has had most of the state of Michagan laughing for a while and a very embarressed female news ancore who will in the future think before she speaks. What happens when you predict snow and it does not happen! Well she turned to the weather man and said" well Bob where's that eight inches you promested me last nite"?