Sunday, July 17, 2005

My pit crew -- my groupe

Barnie would be so proud, when I got in a wreck in the heat race I knocked the nose half way off, as I was trying to figure a way to attach it , to no avale, my thoughtful bride says--- why don't you use a rubber snubber!
For those of you that don't know ,barnie uses snubers for everything one nite my gas linkage at the carberator fell off and yes barnie put it back on with a rubber snubber, I finished the feature in third place.
We are doing good at the fuel station mom is working it like she has been at it all her life, I am very proud to have her at my side throughout my life.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

sixty five an loving it

Had a great fathers day with a bunch of my kids, went to the race track an kicked chevy butt for the second time in as many tries, damn I love my FORDS. This is the first time that a ford has won in this division in the history of the track,an done by a old fart like me HA. Oh ya I did it in front of two of my grandkids and five of my kids, Wow it don't get any better that that.
This past two weeks my main squeese an i went to the beach at port A we went on sunday,drove to mexico to get DRUGS stayed at westlego, drove to port A stayed at the county park ,I left on thursday,drove to VP got a load for the MX track deliverd at the drag strip on fri ,worked the MX track on sat,drove back to the beach satnite got there 0730 sun morning ,kissed my honey ,went to the beach--- an slept. Sixty five an loving it,gotta go the great out doors is calling as well as my t-bird