Thursday, September 01, 2005

Boy cott

When billy was little I would play with him and say, tons of fun my little son , boy how time seems to change things. Also I would say my son is going to be a racecar driver as I would turn him upside down an show his diaper with safety pins holding it up. , an say see his quick change rear end. Now angie was my angelina poopanena as she seemed to be eating or pooping all the time. Now the cabbage patch doll, angie and I went to town(sweetwater) and she was showing her doll to some ladies in the grocery store and I thought that I was going to have to take the doll away from them, but they finalley gave it back to her. When Cheryl lynn started off to collage she came to me and said ,I would like to get a checking account Dad,I said sure how much would you like to take out of your savings to put in it ?Well most of you know ,but for those of you who know ,she said what ? I don't want to take MY money out ,why can't I just have a account? OK Karen Lizzie , When Karen found the car that she wanted ,she came to me and said it is a great car, so I said start it up, Oh it don't run but listen to that great radio , when she brought the boy home that she wanted to marry he had a black eye , oh well shit happens right? the next time he came back the other eye was black--humm .
debbie doodles! After she finished school deb got her own place , OK ! not. She calls up one nite an says my car won't start! I said where are you ,I am up by the church in fro nt of vernon styles inn, well being the dad I brought the jumper cables and a chain, when I get there I say start it up ,reply IT WON"T START, ok open the hood reply it won't open ok,Have you checked the oil latley? reply I TOLD YOU I CAN'T OPEN THE HOOD!! reply ok get the chain. Robert the rabbit: Robert was living with us in texas and needed a job, the job was in abilene I said go check it out he says I don't have a way to get there,I said DUH here take my truck an ten dollars go check it out. six hours later, phone call, your son is in the hospital ,he wrecked the truck got drunk with money ,didn't get the job, well I brought what was left of the truck home ,he said no sweat i will pay for the truck,of course he did not say when.
I surely hope this gets me a picture of my grand kids as my two fingers are starting to bleed. If I could type I could go on for hours with storys about my kids ..I sure do love each and every one of them.