Sunday, August 07, 2005


Well I will talk about everything, no racing last nite -rained out I am in fifth place in points, which I am happy with as I missed the first two races because of broked parts an they sent the wrong parts I didnot think that my little 302 ford would keep up with those 400 inch chevys, wow was I wrong.
Mom an I will be leaving for the state park in junction in a few hours we are taking all the texas grand kids except my oldest an youngest grandsons.I would love to have them with us also.
When we get back on weds. I will load up the fuel trailer an head out on thurs. morn with matt an nat an go to the metroplex, make a loop drop the kids off at decater, head for witcha falls make a drop an home by way of stamford, get home load up for abilene for friday, get home load up the racecar for sat. nite thunder. Only four races left, then in oct. the southern challange,it is athree day race with about 150 cars or more I will print the facts afer the race.
The cafe had a great nite last fri. they did more on that nite then ever before, the cafe across the street is not doing as good as expected, I am sorry to say I told you so the equipt. that zanny put in there is old an worn out it looks good but any one that knows resturants as they were said to should have seen that. their light bill last month was over nine hundred dollars.Also their traffic count is not good.
Kathy an tony are reopened an tony is to run the cafe an kathy to run the feed store, whats wrong with this pic.lets see lift that dish, lift that bag of grain.
My friend Malcom an his bro from vermont bought 240 acres south of sweetwater to live on. the taxes last year were 300 an some ,this year theyare 1300 an some an the guys did not get in to the tax office in time to protest an get a ag. discount. I bet they won't do that again.
Barneys son robert dale is in south carolina going to school to get a job working with nascar team as a pitcrew member, so far it seems to be working, barie told me the othewr day that he misses him at the shop,as it is to quite, for those of you that know robert dale you under stand.
Angie an Jim got screwed again as their perp. got off with five years probation, who said crime does not pay?Man we have a screwed up system.
Billy keep the storys coming they help everybody find a smile an laughter, Karen please do not let a job take over your life, you too billy, be like cheryl put it off till------Oh my gosh I am sooo behind, well not that bad but please guys stop an smell the roses.
love you all