Sunday, October 15, 2006

Life in the day of an old racing fart

I got up yesterday morning excited as I was 38 years ago when I drove my first race car, cause I was going to San Angelo to race my modified pinto race car, now this is not the car that I run on a weekly bases, that is a 97 t-bird ,the pinto is a car that Billy,Jim, david and I built about 10 years ago,Brad built a thumper of a motor for it, this car has won about 25 feature races, and last nite was one more to add to that record. As I said I was pumped up cause this car goes to the front, well last nite we had to draw for starting spots, yup I drew the poll,sorry duds the old man is not going to get any of your mud on this car.I won the heat race buy a full lap, won the feature by passing all of the cars two times (lapped the field) and hafe way thru the field again.
Gotta go, my honey just got up,and she is looking GOOD, nobody has it as good as I do two race cars and a wonderful woman to put up with my bullshit.
see ya later gator

Life in the day of an old racing fart

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

life in the day of an ol fart!

Yesterday I got up at 12:30, went to Amarrilo deleivered a load of fuel got back at 9:00 took a little nap loaded up trailer #2 (long story about#1) deleivered fuel all over Abilene, lost a tarp over by Kims house took four u turns but got back on the road, got home after 7:00, watched a little TV went to bed. Got up this morning all refreshed,loaded the trailer for a trip to DFW tomorrow, now what?I,m bored ,so I look for some thing to do .I know lets dive into the pool to clean the bottom,WOW that didn't take very long ,well at least my old guy things look young again. Guess I.ll just sit on tha car port d, drink a beer and wait for my honey to come home from the beauty shop, hope I don,t forget to tell her how beautiful she looks, I guess that depends how many beers I have .OK I,m getting goofy . see ya

Thursday, September 07, 2006

On The Road Again

Well here we are in connecticut, had a good flight got a nice rent car,haven't done much except eatting fish and chips and veal loaf. Went to the speedbowl to watch Max race . Saw some good racing ,can you imaging 38 cars starting on a3/8 mile track? Had a little extra fun as there was the normal fight in the pits with no security at all, the big guy went after the little guy,the big guy go knocked on his ass got back up all pissed cause of that went after the guy agin got boped again and then wanted to talk about it. Back to the races a gut hit the wall in front of me a friend asked him how bad it was, he said I can fix it as the wrecker was picking it up he said pass me a po cket knife to cut the break line as the whole fro.nt end fell on the ground,nope he did not fix it OK gotta go will try to get back on in afew days

On The Road Again

Well here we are in connecticut, had a good flight got a nice rent car,haven't done much except eatting fish and chips and veal loaf. Went to the speedbowl to watch Max race . Saw some good racing ,can you imaging 38 cars starting on a3/8 mile track? Had a little extra fun as there was the normal fight in the pits with no security at all, the big guy went after the little guy,the big guy go knocked on his ass got back up all pissed cause of that went after the guy agin got boped again and then wanted to talk about it. Back to the races a gut hit the wall in front of me a friend asked him how bad it was, he said I can fix it as the wrecker was picking it up he said pass me a po cket knife to cut the break line as the whole fro.nt end fell on the ground,nope he did not fix it OK gotta go will try to get back on in afew days

Thursday, August 24, 2006


Today was a pisser, got up at 130 am expecting the eighteen wheeler to have made a delivery to my warehouse, NOT so I call him he said will be another two hrs, to late had to go to beat Arwine and company, so I left with what I had which was already overloaded, made the deleverys in DFW, called mom to go to the warehouse to get a load of the five gallon cans an meet me 150 miles down the road. She did great got me loaded an back on the road to weatherford and grandbury in no time at all. So she drove 250 miles and I drove and extra 250 miles but what the hell, BCRF had two trucks on the road today. Arwine and company was saying we know he,s out here but where the hell is he today. Heres the deal, Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, wine in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming WOO HOO what a ride ! 66 years young and loving every minite of it

Monday, August 21, 2006

Its about time

Well i guess its about time to get back on here. As some of you know I had a buttectame today and it was fun,just two little pollups, no cancer, no prostrat problems ,no hemroids, just a sore butt,. no not really,it is not painful just embarresing.Mom went with me to drive me home as they will not let you leave if you do not have someone to drive, ya right I have driven with more booze in me than the drugs that I had today, so poor mom had to ride in her seat hanging on as always. The racing has not been what I would call great this year as the best finish that I have had is fourth,but I am in second place in the points, with one race night to go I will have to work hard to hang onto that . The fuel business is going very well as I have started to turn a few pain in the ass people away. I wrecked my big trailer with a big load in it,the ins. co totaled it ,so I bought it back am using it just for the race car,bought a goose neck trailer with the ins. check,so now I look like stue pot with five trailers in my yard. Hope yall can read this as I am not quit up to snuff as I didn't eat from last friday till this afternoon. see ya later

Friday, April 21, 2006

Nick name

we all have nicknames,Mine have been breezy, Ski , bill, will, polack, dumb polack,and now for the new one hey skinny!
Who would have thought, I am now down to 192.5,an my pants are all falling off my no butt.I think this is why my racing this year sucks, cause I do not have enought weight in the car. I feel very good that the love of my life and I are losing all this uneeded mass until i look at my self in the mirror, man you are ugly.
I can not think of much to type as I let for DFW this morning at three fifteen ,will try to get back on here soon.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Lets eat

I am now officialy skinny , I weigh 199!! .So now I have a new challange, how to stay there, an what to do with all this extra skin! If I turn around to fast my flab comes around later an hits me. And also trying to hold my pants up, lots of carpenter crack.
Well the race car is ready, I'm ready, all we need now is for satuday to get here an no rain!
I need to get on the road for the metroplex but am waiting for a load of fuel with three drums for this load, the problem is they are waiting on empty drums to fill for the load.
I read on the racing web site that David has his race car and trailer for sale!
Has anyone heard if wes has had his teeth done yet?
Thats all for now